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Flafka Not Able to Read Snappy Compressed

Python snappy.shrink() Examples

The post-obit are 26 lawmaking examples for showing how to utilise snappy.compress() . These examples are extracted from open up source projects. Y'all can vote up the ones yous like or vote down the ones y'all don't similar, and get to the original project or source file by post-obit the links to a higher place each example.

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You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module snappy , or endeavor the search part .

Example 1

def FlushChunk(cocky, clamper):         if len(chunk) == 0:             return          bevy_offset = cocky.bevy_length          if self.pinch == lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_ZLIB:             compressed_chunk = zlib.compress(chunk)         elif (snappy and self.compression ==               lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_SNAPPY):             compressed_chunk = snappy.compress(chunk)         elif self.pinch == dictionary.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_STORED:             compressed_chunk = clamper          compressedLen = len(compressed_chunk)          if compressedLen < self.chunk_size - 16:             self.bevy_index.append((bevy_offset, compressedLen))             self.bevy.append(compressed_chunk)             cocky.bevy_length += compressedLen         else:             self.bevy_index.append((bevy_offset, self.chunk_size))             cocky.bevy.append(chunk)             cocky.bevy_length += cocky.chunk_size          #self.bevy_index.append((bevy_offset, len(compressed_chunk)))         #cocky.bevy.append(compressed_chunk)         #self.bevy_length += len(compressed_chunk)         self.chunk_count_in_bevy += ane          #cocky.buffer = clamper[self.chunk_size:]         if self.chunk_count_in_bevy >= self.chunks_per_segment:             self._FlushBevy()          

Example 2

def compress(self, data):         if self._message_encoding == "gzip" or self._message_encoding == "deflate":             import zlib             render zlib.shrink(information)         elif self._message_encoding == "snappy":             import snappy             return snappy.compress(data)         else:             raise UnsupportedMessageEncodingError(                 "Unsupported compression: {}".format(self._message_encoding))          

Instance 3

def write_message(cocky, data: bytes, compress=False):         if compress:             data = self.shrink(data)         if len(information) > self._max_message_length:             enhance MessageTooLargeError(                 "Trying to send bulletin larger than max: {message_length} > {max_message_length}".format(                     message_length=len(information),                     max_message_length=self._max_message_length,                 )             )         self._buffer.suspend(struct.pack('>?I', compress, len(data)))         self._buffer.append(data)          

Case 4

def _zlib_no_compress(data):     """Compress data with zlib level 0."""     cobj = zlib.compressobj(0)     render b"".join([cobj.compress(data), cobj.flush()])          

Example five

def compress(data):         return snappy.compress(data)          

Example vi

def __init__(self, level):         # Jython zlib.compress doesn't support -i         if level == -i:             self.compress = zlib.compress         # Jython zlib.compress also doesn't back up 0         elif level == 0:             self.compress = _zlib_no_compress         else:             self.compress = lambda data: zlib.compress(information, level)          

Example 7

def compress(self, data):         return information          

Case 8

def shrink(self, data):         buf = io.BytesIO()         with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf, mode='wb', compresslevel=1) equally f:             f.write(data)         return buf.getvalue()          

Case 9

def encode(cocky, obj, container):         render self._compressor.compress(             self._format_encoder.encode(obj, container))          

Example ten

def compress(self, data):             return snappy.compress(data)          

Example xi

def _pack_msgpack_snappy(obj):     # print "pack", obj     tmp = msgpack.dumps(obj, encoding='utf-8')     if len(tmp) > 1000:         render b'Due south' + snappy.shrink(tmp)     else:         render b'\0' + tmp          

Case 12

def _zlib_no_compress(data):     """Shrink data with zlib level 0."""     cobj = zlib.compressobj(0)     render b"".join([cobj.compress(data), cobj.flush()])          

Case xiii

def compress(data):         return snappy.compress(information)          

Example 14

def __init__(self, level):         # Jython zlib.compress doesn't support -1         if level == -ane:             self.compress = zlib.compress         # Jython zlib.compress also doesn't support 0         elif level == 0:             self.compress = _zlib_no_compress         else:             cocky.compress = lambda data: zlib.compress(data, level)          

Instance 15

def compress(information):         # ZstdCompressor is not thread safety.         # TODO: Utilise a pool?         return ZstdCompressor().shrink(information)          

Example 16

def compress(data):     """     Compresses given information via the snappy algorithm.      The result is preceded with a header containing the string 'SNAPPY' and the     default and min-compat versions (both ``1``).      The block size for the compression is hard-coded at 32kb.      If ``python-snappy`` is not installed a ``RuntimeError`` is raised.     """     if not snappy_available:         raise RuntimeError("Snappy compression unavailable.")      buff = BytesIO()     vitrify.write(raw_header)      for block_num in range(0, len(data), BLOCK_SIZE):         cake = data[block_num:block_num + BLOCK_SIZE]         compressed = snappy.compress(block)          buff.write(struct.pack("!i", len(compressed)))         vitrify.write(compressed)      result = buff.getvalue()      vitrify.close()      return result          

Example 17

def _compress_event(cocky, consequence: BaseEvent) -> Union[BaseEvent, bytes]:         if cocky.has_snappy_support:             import snappy              render cast(                 bytes,                 snappy.compress(pickle.dumps(outcome, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)),             )         else:             return event          

Example xviii

def _pack_msgpack_snappy(obj):     # impress "pack", obj     tmp = msgpack.dumps(obj, encoding='utf-8')     if len(tmp) > grand:         return b'S' + snappy.compress(tmp)     else:         return b'\0' + tmp          

Example 19

def _serialize_gossip(operation: ssz.Serializable) -> bytes:     encoded_operation = ssz.encode(operation)     return snappy.compress(encoded_operation)          

Example 20

def compress(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:         return snappy.compress(data)          

Example 21

def compress(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:         return data          

Example 22

def encode(cocky, cmd_id: int, snappy_support: bool) -> MessageAPI:         raw_payload_data = self.serialization_codec.encode(self.payload)          if snappy_support:             payload_data = self.compression_codec.compress(raw_payload_data)         else:             payload_data = raw_payload_data          cmd_id_data = rlp.encode(cmd_id, sedes=rlp.sedes.big_endian_int)         frame_size = len(cmd_id_data) + len(payload_data)          if frame_size.bit_length() > 24:             enhance ValueError("Frame size has to fit in a 3-byte integer")          # Frame-size is a 3-bit integer         header = frame_size.to_bytes(3, 'big') + RLPX_HEADER_DATA         body = cmd_id_data + payload_data          return Message(header, trunk)          

Case 23

def _pack_msgpack_snappy(obj):     # impress "pack", obj     tmp = msgpack.dumps(obj, encoding='utf-8')     if len(tmp) > 1000:         render b'S' + snappy.shrink(tmp)     else:         return b'\0' + tmp          

Example 24

def read(self, _):         # Cease copying when the bevy is full.         if cocky.chunk_count_in_bevy >= self.possessor.chunks_per_segment:             return ""          chunk =         if non clamper:             render ""          self.size += len(chunk)          if self.owner.compression == lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_ZLIB:             compressed_chunk = zlib.shrink(chunk)         elif (snappy and self.owner.pinch ==               lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_SNAPPY):             compressed_chunk = snappy.compress(clamper)         elif self.owner.compression == lexicon.AFF4_IMAGE_COMPRESSION_STORED:             compressed_chunk = chunk          compressedLen = len(compressed_chunk)         self.chunk_count_in_bevy += one          if compressedLen < self.possessor.chunk_size - 16:             self.bevy_index.suspend((self.bevy_length, compressedLen))             self.bevy_length += compressedLen             render compressed_chunk         else:             cocky.bevy_index.append((self.bevy_length, self.owner.chunk_size))             self.bevy_length += self.owner.chunk_size             return chunk          

Example 25

def snappy_encode(payload, xerial_compatible=False,                   xerial_blocksize=32 * 1024):     """     Compress the given data with the Snappy algorithm.      :param bytes payload: Information to shrink.     :param bool xerial_compatible:         If set and so the stream is broken into length-prefixed blocks in         a fashion compatible with the xerial snappy library.          The format winds upward being::              +-------------+------------+--------------+------------+--------------+             |   Header    | Block1_len | Block1 information  | BlockN len | BlockN data  |             |-------------+------------+--------------+------------+--------------|             |  16 bytes   |  Exist int32  | snappy bytes |  Exist int32  | snappy bytes |             +-------------+------------+--------------+------------+--------------+      :param int xerial_blocksize:         Number of bytes per chunk to independently Snappy encode. 32k is the         default in the xerial library.      :returns: Compressed bytes.     :rtype: :class:`bytes`     """     if not has_snappy():  # FIXME This should be static, not checked every call.         raise NotImplementedError("Snappy codec is non available")      if xerial_compatible:         def _chunker():             for i in range(0, len(payload), xerial_blocksize):                 yield payload[i:i+xerial_blocksize]          out = BytesIO()         out.write(_XERIAL_HEADER)          for clamper in _chunker():             cake = snappy.compress(chunk)             out.write(struct.pack('!i', len(cake)))             out.write(block)         return      else:         return snappy.compress(payload)          

Example 26

def _write_block(cocky):         if non cocky._header_written:             self._write_header()          if cocky.block_count > 0:             # write number of items in block             self.encoder.write_long(self.block_count)              # write cake contents             uncompressed_data = self.buffer_writer.getvalue()             if self.get_meta(CODEC_KEY) == 'null':                 compressed_data = uncompressed_data                 compressed_data_length = len(compressed_data)             elif self.get_meta(CODEC_KEY) == 'deflate':                 # The starting time 2 characters and terminal character are zlib                 # wrappers around debunk data.                 compressed_data = zlib.shrink(uncompressed_data)[two:-1]                 compressed_data_length = len(compressed_data)             elif self.get_meta(CODEC_KEY) == 'snappy':                 compressed_data = snappy.compress(uncompressed_data)                 compressed_data_length = len(compressed_data) + 4 # crc32             elif self.get_meta(CODEC_KEY) == 'xz':                 compressed_data = lzma.compress(uncompressed_data, format=lzma.FORMAT_XZ)                 compressed_data_length = len(compressed_data)             else:                 fail_msg = '"%southward" codec is non supported.' % self.get_meta(CODEC_KEY)                 raise DataFileException(fail_msg)              # Write length of block             self.encoder.write_long(compressed_data_length)              # Write block             cocky.writer.write(compressed_data)                          # Write CRC32 checksum for Snappy             if self.get_meta(CODEC_KEY) == 'snappy':                 self.encoder.write_crc32(uncompressed_data)              # write sync marker             self.writer.write(self.sync_marker)              # reset buffer             self.buffer_writer.truncate(0)                cocky.block_count = 0  
