Guest post by Stanislas Girard, Site Reliability Applied science at Padok

Running an rubberband search cluster in production is not an like shooting fish in a barrel task. Y'all are probably working with gigabits of data coming in all the fourth dimension and need to make it easily accessible and resilient. If you are reading these lines, you lot are probably facing problems with your current elastic Search in production.

You can quickly spawn an rubberband search cluster in product on AWS or GCP and outset using it almost immediately. However, the optimization of your cluster is crucial if you want to improve speed and sustainability.

Many things can become wrong with your elastic search cluster. Yous can either run out of retentivity, take likewise many shards, bad rolling sharding policies, no index lifecycle management, and other issues that are not explicit at first.

Disclaimer: This isn't a guide on making an elastic search production-grade cluster for every use case. It is more of an explanation of how y'all should ready your cluster and where to notice the information if needed. There is not a single answer to this problem!

We are all facing different needs, different usage, and creating a single method that works with all of these parameters is non viable. This is probably why yous tin can't observe an in-depth explanation on how to get your rubberband search cluster production-ready. When I've been using ElasticSearch, I've had many issues, and I've looked well-nigh anywhere I could to find an answer. This article explains some of the nuts things you can do and how to implement them on your production cluster to accept a smoothen experience with ElasticSearch.

Let's get started; beginning of all, let's understand what an elastic search cluster is fabricated of. We'll beginning talk about nodes; this could be helpful when you lot configure your rubberband nodes.

Types of Nodes:

Principal-eligible node

A node that has the master role (default), makes it eligible to be elected as themaster node, which controls the cluster. This is the most critical type of node in your cluster. You tin can't accept an elastic search cluster without having principal nodes. We'll become in more than depth on how many you lot need. But know that specific rules employ to these nodes to keep the organization of your cluster smooth.

Data node

A data node is a node that has the data role (default). Data nodes hold data and perform information-related operations such as Crud, search, and aggregations. A node with the data role tin can make full any of the specialized data node roles. These nodes hold all of your documents, they are essential, and your cluster tin can't properly function without them. Data nodes are the default settings of whatever new node in your elastic search cluster. Data nodes can be specialized for specific use cases, which will encompass in more detail below.

Ingest node

A node that has the ingest role (default). Ingest nodes can apply an ingest pipeline to a document to transform and enrich the document earlier indexing. If you lot have a heavy ingesting load, it is recommended to utilise a dedicated ingest node. To practise and then, you demand to specify that your information and master nodes aren't ingest nodes and declare those new nodes every bit ingest nodes.

Remote-eligible node

A node with the remote_cluster_client role, which is activated by default, makes it eligible to human action as a remote customer. Past default, any node in the cluster tin can act every bit a cross-cluster client and connect to remote clusters. This is particularly useful in some apply cases when your production cluster needs access to remote clusters.

Machine learning node

A node with and the ml function is the default behavior in the Elasticsearch default distribution. This part is activated past default on all of your nodes; if y'all have intensive machine learning features on your cluster, you lot should take at least 1 node with this role. For more than information near auto learning features, see Machine learning in the Elastic Stack.

Transform node

A node that has the transform role. If you want to use transforms, there exist at least one transform node in your cluster. This is not a default office and needs to be added onto a node to actuate this functionality in your cluster. I strongly suggest you to read  Transforms settings and Transforming data to better understand what a transforming node is.

Coordinator Node

A node that has no attribute is a coordinator node and helps with the queries. Especially useful if you have a lot of queries coming in. Let'southward say that you accept multiple Kibana instances running or that you are querying your nodes heavily; you definitely need to spawn coordinator roles to ease the load on your master and data nodes.

That sums up pretty much all the virtually critical nodes that you lot can have. Each node has its specific apply. Near roles are activated by default. Just for better performances, it is recommended to have specialized nodes.


Chief Nodes

Command of the cluster requires a minimum of three with ane active at any given time.

Data Nodes

Holds indexed data and performs data related operations Differentiated Hot and Warm Data nodes can exist used -> More than below.

Ingest Nodes

Use ingest pipelines to transform and enrich data before indexing.

Coordinating Nodes

Route requests, handle Search reduce phase, distribute bulk indexing. All nodes role as coordinating nodes by default.

Automobile Learning Nodes

Run machine learning jobs

Transform node

Enables you to catechumen existing Elasticsearch indices into summarised indices.

Beats -> Elasticsearch -> Kibana

Minimum of Master Nodes:

Principal nodes are the near disquisitional nodes in your cluster. In order to calculate how many master nodes you need in your product cluster, here is a simple formula:

N / 2 + 1

Where N is the total number of "master-eligible" nodes in your cluster, you demand to round that number down to the nearest integer. In that location is a particular instance; even so, if your usage is shallow and merely requires ane node, so the query is 1. However, for any other employ, y'all demand at to the lowest degree a minimum of three master nodes in order to avoid any split-brain state of affairs. This is a terrible situation to be in; it can upshot in an unhealthy cluster with many issues.

This setting should ever be configured to a quorum (majority) of your chief-eligible nodes. A quorum is (number of primary-eligible nodes / 2) + 1. Here are some examples:

  • If you have ten regular nodes ( ones that can either hold data and become master), the quorum is six
  • If you lot have three dedicated master nodes and a hundred information nodes, the quorum is two.
  • If yous have two regular nodes, you are in a conundrum. A quorum would be 2, simply this means a loss of i node volition make your cluster inoperable. A setting of 1 will allow your cluster to function but doesn't protect against the dissever-brain. It is best to take a minimum of three nodes.

Now that we've taken a look at the different types of nodes and how to make sure how to avert bad situations such as the split-brain let's take a await at the diverse aspects of the nodes such as memory, CPU, and disk. Those are also important factors. Unfortunately, there isn't a unmarried solution for all clusters, but some standard rules volition significantly aid you with your quest for a production-grade rubberband search cluster.


Heap: Sizing and Swapping

The default ElasticSearch node is configured to employ 1Gb of heap memory. Nevertheless, for just about every deployment, this quantity is too small. As ElasticSearch so graciously says: If yous are using the default heap values, your cluster is probably misconfigured.

Sizing your nodes is a catchy task. Depending on your needs, you can go from 2Gb nodes 64Gb nodes. Having many small nodes is counterproductive for indexing and search performances. You'll probably finish up with your indices separated on many nodes, and your request time will exist significantly high. Yous'll probably move toward more pregnant nodes. However, y'all might end up in a situation with too few nodes and a pocket-sized resiliency potential. If y'all merely have one considerable node, losing information technology can mean the end of your cluster.

Making the right choice isn't an like shooting fish in a barrel task. You should ever calibration according to your requirements and your budget. One way to do it is by trial and error. Calibration up or down your nodes and their number depending on the usage that you are seeing. After a few runs, you should end up with a configuration that utilizes just plenty resources with good indexing and searching performances.

When you aspect 8Gb to an rubberband search node, the standard recommendation is to give 50% of the available memory to ElasticSearch heap while leaving the other l% gratis. Why can't you classify more? Well, at that place is something chosen Lucene that runs with ElasticSearch that requires memory too and is used for the most critical task. Don't worry, and your memory won't go unused; Lucene volition happily gobble up whatsoever is leftover.

One last affair to know, there is a reason why y'all tin't take enormous nodes with elastic. ElasticSearch uses the JVM and requires a trio to compress object pointers when heaps are less than around 32Gb. Then any happens, don't allocate more than 32Gb (64Gb total) to your nodes.


Disks are probably the well-nigh essential aspect of a cluster and especially and so for indexing-heavy clusters such equally those that ingest log information.

Disks are by far the slowest subsystem in a server. This means that if yous have write-heavy loads such as logs retention, you are doing a lot of writing, and the disks can apace become saturated, which in plough becomes the bottleneck of the cluster.

I highly recommend, if you can beget, to use SSDs. Their far superior writing and reading speed significantly increment your overall performance. SSD-backed nodes see an increase in bot query and indexing performance.

So next fourth dimension you spin up a new rubberband search node, make sure that it is running with an SSD. The extra toll is worth it.


Permit's talk about the final aspect of hardware performance. CPUs are not so crucial with rubberband Search every bit deployments tend to be relatively light on CPU requirements.

The recommended option is to utilise a modern processor with multiple cores. Mutual production-grade ElasticSearch clusters tend to apply between two to eight-cadre machines.

If you need to choose between faster CPUs or more cores, choose more cores. The extra concurrency that multiple cores offer will far outweigh a slightly faster clock speed.


Near clusters use Kibana to visualize data. This section will be pretty small. If you lot have heavy Kibana usage, I recommend that yous use coordinator nodes. This will unload the query stress from your primary nodes and amend the overall performance of your cluster.

Kibana diagram

Sharding Touch on Performance

In ElasticSearch, your data is organized in indices, and those are each fabricated of shards that are distributed beyond multiple nodes. Shards are created when a new document needs to be indexed, so a unique id is being generated, and the destination of the shard is calculated based on this id. One time the shard has been delegated to a specific node, each write is sent to the node. This method allows a reasonably polish distribution of documents across all of your shards. Thanks to this method, you can easily and quickly query thousands of documents in the glimmer of an centre.

Your information is organized in indices, each fabricated of shards and distributed across multiple nodes. If a new document needs to be indexed, a unique id is existence generated, and the destination shard is existence calculated based on this id. After that, the writer is delegated to the node, which is property the calculated destination shard. This will distribute your documents pretty well across all of your shards.

What is a shard? Each shard is a separate Lucene alphabetize, made of little segments of files located on your deejay. Whenever you write, a new segment will be created. When a sure amount of segments is reached, they are all merged. This has some drawbacks; yet, whenever you lot need to query your data, each segment is searched, pregnant a higher I/O and memory consumption for your single node, whenever y'all need to search data against multiple shards meaning that the more than shards you take, the more than CPU work you need to exercise.

For example, if yous have a write-heavy indexing case with just 1 node, the optimal number of indices and shards is ane. Still, for search cases, you lot should set the number of shards to the number of CPUs available. In this way, searching tin can be multithreaded, resulting in ameliorate search functioning.

But what are the benefits of sharding?

  1. Availability: Replication of the shards to other nodes ensures that you always accept the data even if you lose some nodes.
  2. Operation: Distribution of your primary shards to other nodes implies that all shards can share the workload. They are improving the overall performance.

Then if your scenario is write-heavy, keep the number of shards per index low. If you need amend search performance, increase the number of shards, but keep the "physics" in mind. If yous demand reliability, take the number of nodes/replicas into business relationship.

Building an elastic search cluster ready for production is non an like shooting fish in a barrel chore. You demand to understand what your requirements are and what you want. If you wish to increase your search speed instead of resilience, have that into consideration before building your cluster. You are not bound to a specific implementation; nevertheless, if you create your cluster knowing what you lot'll have in a couple of weeks, months y'all won't encounter a lot of problems. ElasticSearch is tricky because it just works even if you lot have a lousy configuration; however, the more data you lot ingest, the more errors you tin come across. I encourage you to take time while building your cluster.

Don't hesitate to ask me questions in the comments if you need help or contact Padok, the company I work for,  if you need expertise.

Hit me upwardly on Twitter @_StanGirard or Telegram @StanGirard!